Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I seem to be writing a lot about Kanye West. I think anyone who has followed Kanye's musical career cannot dispute his musical gift and his nack for exploiting his creative abilities. Wherever Kanye goes, controversy seems to follow and the same could be said about his next music video 'MONSTER' from his new record. There have been rumours claiming that there are a number high profile individuals from all sectors of our society that have been initiated into a secret group called 'illuminati', which roughly translated means 'enlightened'. It is said that these enlightened group of people are the keepers of secret esoteric knowledge that has been passed on for centuries and some of the activities this group is involved in is suspect and can also be termed 'dark'. Kanye, amongst other artists like his fellow label mate Jay Z are said to have been initiated into this group. Now back to the video. From an artistic and production point of view, I think the video is well executed, I'm just not sure about the imagery though. It left me feeling quite sad actually. It left me asking the question, where do we draw the line between art and debauch? Is this the next frontier for art, for music? Where do we draw the line?

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